In the jungle of web hosting providers and provider, it is not easy to determine the right provider for their own needs. Many web hosting providers compete with each other and differ not only in terms of price, but also in the type and scope of services offered. With the right information you will manage to make a suitable selection.
Web hosting has several components, which can be booked individually or completely. In most cases, one would like to apply for their own domain name and to also use some web space and other components to publish its website. The selected Provider registered then order the corresponding domain in the respective registration authority (eg DENIC).
Depending on whether it is a .de domain, a .com domain or one of the many other top-level domains, fall here at different fees per year. These are mostly to be paid in advance for one year. You can then book or in the respective contract package multiple domains and corresponding space on the provider’s server, as well as other additional services.
Web space – space for your data
Webspace is called the place of for storing your data, such as HTML pages, images, or content management system is available. The web space can range from a few hundred megabytes to several gigabytes – depending on what the booked package includes. For selection, it is good if you compare individual components together (for example number of inclusive domains, size of web space, number of databases, etc.).
E-mail – communication is essential
You can manage your account via a web interface and thereby create several e-mail addresses that run under the reserved domain extensions. Your own e-mail address is providing evidence not only your professionalism, but also serves your corporate branding.
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